Schwestern - אָחוֹת (Sisters) - Again in February 2017 in Helsinki

by / with Moran Sanderovich & Veronika Bökelmann

Upcoming dates:
Mad House Festival, Helsinki February 2017

Previous dates:
CLINCH Festival Hannover: Sept 10th 2016
Pop Up Boat/ Jewish Museum Frankfurt: Sept 16th 2016
Lighthouse Festival, Fredrikstad Norway: Sept 24th 2016FeTel Aviv: Center for Contemporary Art, Oct 28th & 30th 2015
Frankfurt: Mousonturm Nov 21st & 22nd 2015

Schwestern / אָחוֹת is an encounter between four women, including the performers’ absent sisters. Both sisters were once close to them, yet both have turned towards radically different systems of belief. Veronika’s sister moved from a small town in Germany to India as a Hare Krishna devotee, while Moran’s sister decided to live in an ultra-orthodox settlement in Israel. Within a structured dialogue, the audience is introduced to the daily lives of the ‘absent sisters’ by the performers, who create a maze of cultural choices, corporeal perceptions, and gender roles. How far are we from our sisters? How much can one really transform? 

Schwestern / אָחוֹת has been realized in the frame of "Performing EnCOUNTERs - in and between Israel and Germany.“